Legal notices

Managenent of the website by Oise Tourisme and Aisne Tourisme: updated 16 August 2022


Created in 2022 by the tourism development agencies (ADT) Aisne Tourisme and Oise Tourisme, the application Les Folles Aventures de Louison (Louison's Madcap Adventures) brings together 3 fun cycling routes around the EuroVelo3 - La Scandibérique.

These 3 treasure hunts in the form of increased geocaching start in Guise (02), La Fère (02), Chiry-Ourscamp (60) and Senlis (60). They enable users to explore both departments from a tourism and historical perspective,

The application is free to download and to use.

The associated websites are:

Publisher - Processing Manager

L’Agence de Développement Touristique de l’Oise 

22 place de la préfecture – 60000 Beauvais

+33 (0)

Legal form: association under the French Law of 1901

Siret no.: 42274832700034

L'Agence de Développement Touristique de l'Aisne 

Parc Foch Avenue du Maréchal Foch - 02000 Laon.

+33 (0)

    Legal form: association under the French Law of 1901

Siret no.: 78019519400037

Publication directors

Brigitte Lefebvre as President of Oise Tourisme and Pascal Tordeux as President of the ADT of the Aisne.

Production and hosting

Production: Proximit SA 

With a capital of €272,550, registered in the Limoges Trade and Companies Register under the registration number (RCS) 481 331 528 000 28, and the intercommunity VAT (TVA) number FR 22 481 331 528.

ZA du Moulin Cheyroux - 87700 Aixe-sur-Vienne

+33 (0)5 87 02 01 00

Hosting: DATA 17

350 rue de la Prairie - 17400 Saint-Jean-d'Angély

+33 (0)6 50 37 98 44


Images and illustrations: Proximit Digital, Adobe Stock, Oise Tourisme, Aisne Tourisme.

Content purpose and quality

The purpose of the Website is to provide information on the application Les Folles Aventures de Louison Pignon. The Aisne and Oise ADTs endeavour to provide this information with as much accuracy as possible. However, they cannot be held liable for omissions, inaccuracies and failings in updates, whether these are their fault or that of third party partners who provide this information.

Despite the care taken to collect information and to produce the Website using the most recent techniques, errors, omissions, inaccuracies, cuts or additions independent of our will may remain or be included on this Website. As such, cannot guarantee, neither expressly, nor implicitly, all of the content of the website and its hypertexts links. Users of the website and the information it contains acknowledge that they use it at their own risk and that cannot be held liable for any direct or indirect damage of any kind resulting in full or in part from the use of the information on the website.

We kindly ask users of the website to inform us of any omissions, errors or corrections by sending an email to the website's webmaster at

Liability and use of the brand Les Folles Aventures de Louison Pignon

In accordance with the French law of 11 March 1957 (art. 41) and the French Intellectual Property Code of 1 July 1992, any partial or total reproduction for collective use is strictly forbidden without the authorisation of the ADTs of the Oise and the Aisne ADT.

The verbal and visual trademark (logos, illustrations) of Les Folles Aventures de Louison Pignon are protected.

Its use, without written permission from both ADTs, on any medium, for the purpose of promoting products or services other than those offered by Aisne Tourisme and Oise Tourisme, and particularly for commercial purposes, is prohibited and subject to prosecution.

For any other reuse, you can contact us at

The Internet user acknowledges that the use of this website is governed by French law. Notice regarding the rectification and deletion of personal data. In accordance with French Law n° 78-17 of 6 January 1978 on Data Processing, Data Files and Individual Liberties, you have the right to oppose (art. 26 of the law), access (art.34 to 38 of the law) and rectify (art. 36 of the law) your data. As such, you can demand that any information regarding you that is inaccurate, incomplete, ambiguous, out of date or whose collection, use, communication or storage is prohibited be rectified, completed, updated or deleted.

Reuse of content

Unless otherwise stated, the reuse of content from is subject to express permission from both ADTs.

The Oise and Aisne Tourism Development Agencies are the owners of the intellectual property rights and hold the rights of use on all the elements accessible (including downloadable documents) on the website, in particular the texts, images, graphics, logos, videos, icons and sounds. Any reproduction, representation, modification, publication, adaptation or transfer of all or part of the elements of the website, whatever the means or process used, is prohibited, except with the prior written permission of ADTs 60 and 02.

Any unauthorised use of the website or any of the elements it contains will be considered as constituting counterfeiting and will be prosecuted in accordance with the provisions of articles L.335-2 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code.

None of the photographs shown on is copyright-free. Any use and any form of reproduction of these photographs is strictly prohibited: Art L111 and L112 of the French Intellectual Property Code.

Personal data

View the page on our data Privacy policy.